10 things you can send your email list that they will actually enjoy

You have probably heard about the importance of an email list by now. Email marketing is an incredibly important part of digital marketing strategies for business.
It is one of the few owned channels you have that enable you to connect directly with your customers.
A person’s inbox is prime real estate, so if you are lucky enough to be there, you need to make the most of it!
The trouble is, a lot of small businesses set up these email lists because they have heard they are a good idea, but then they either forget about them or feel frustrated that they have nothing to send to their subscribers.
The best thing you can do is keep in constant contact with your audience of potential customers. That means sending out an email a few times a month just to remind them of who you are and why they should remain a subscriber.
There’s nothing worse than a company who goes for months without contact and then flicks through an email when they want to make a sale.
That’s not at all how we want to handle our precious email subscribers!
We want our email subscribers to feel important, special and like they can trust us.
Therefore, we want to be giving them all sorts of freebies, special content and advice with no strings attached so that when we eventually ask them if they would like to make a purchase from us, they will jump at the chance!
So what can you send your email list to keep them engaged?

10 things you can send your email list
A behind the scenes look at your business
We are all a little nosy. Getting to see behind the scenes of someone’s day or the process of how they do something is really interesting.
Sending this kind of content to your email list is a great way to make you and your brand more relatable.
Everybody loves free stuff! Sending free content such as workbooks, checklists or videos is an awesome way of proving your worth. You are adding value to your potential customers and showing just how knowledgeable and helpful you are.
This gives them a sneak peek into what it could be like to purchase a product or service from you and takes away a little of the risk too because they have an idea of what they will be getting.
It can feel like a high investment cost to spend a lot of time creating something for free but the return on your investment will absolutely be worth it! Plus, you can of course re-purpose the free content into social media posts, blog posts, videos or podcasts which decreases the initial investment cost.

An exclusive blog post
Emphasis on the word *exclusive*. The whole point of subscribing to your email list is to receive content they wouldn’t otherwise have access to. So every now and then it’s worth making good on that promise and creating content that is solely for your email subscribers.
You can always let your followers know about this awesome essay you are about to send to your email list and hopefully you’ll attract a few new subscribers as well.
Reminders and news
This is a pretty obvious one but if you have anything new happening in your business, why not let your email subscribers be the first to know?
Maybe you have a new product, a new course or a new service. Or maybe you just have a sale coming up. Let those subscribers know before anyone else so that they feel special.

Re-purpose an old blog post
Often we will create a blog post, hit publish and then totally forget about it. However, did you know that one piece of content you create can be re-used over and over again in a variety of different places saving you a whole lot of time and effort.
One example of this is taking a blog post and repurposing it to send as an email newsletter.
The key is to not just copy and paste then hit send. You want to always be adding value wherever possible.
So perhaps you can write part two that follows on from another post or go into more detail. Maybe you could create a freebie related to a post you have previously written.
A case study
People are drawn to stories. We love hearing real-life experiences, challenges and victories. A really great way of showing just what you can do is by sharing the story of a client you have worked with previously.
Where were they when you started working together? What did they need help with and how were you able to help them? What results have they experienced since working with you? This is a great place to share testimonials and prove your worth.
Industry news and your take on it
Sharing industry news gives you authority and thought credibility. It shows you know your stuff and can really walk the talk!
It is also helpful for your subscribers because it means you do all the hard work for them. You do the research and figure out the best strategies etc and they can sit back and rely on your findings/recommendations. It’s just another way you can build that all important trust with your audience!
Surveys or quizzes
On the whole, people love to participate in quizzes. Because it’s fun to understand more about your personality or get advice specifically tailored to you.
Sharing a quiz can also be a great way to learn more about your audience, particularly around what their struggles and needs are. This benefits you because it means you can be even more helpful to them and benefits you audience because your content will be super valuable! It’s win-win.

Seasonal content
If you are stuck for ideas, creating content around the seasons is an excellent way to fill out your content calendar. There are endless ways you can tailor this content to suit your audience.
For example, you can make a gift guide if you sell products, you can share about the importance of self care around the holidays if you are coach or you can share how to create marketing campaigns for Christmas if you are a digital marketing expert (hey!)
Q&A series
Ask your followers for some questions they would love answered and then create an email series around them.
You could divide it into sections such as personal, business advice and frequently asked questions. You could even interview guests/other experts in the field and include their answers in an email.
I hope that gives you a few ideas for what to send your email list. It really is a great opportunity to connect further with your followers and turn them into loyal fans.
Sick of the hassle of having to create email content each month?
I can help you with that!
Let me create valuable, engaging email newsletters that your audience will actually open and enjoy. Make the most of your email marketing and get those opens and sales that you are really hoping for. Get in touch today to organise a free, no-obligation consultation call.
Get more leads on social media with these 7 ideas - Just Peachy Digital
[…] Did you know, organic reach is roughly 4x higher on email than social media? And for every $1 spent, email generates $38 dollars – how’s that for an impressive return on investment? If you haven’t already started an email list, now is the time to do it. Once you’ve started your email list, you need to be sending regular emails. If you struggle to come up with ideas, here’s a list of 10 things you can send your email list that they will actually enjoy. […]