How to build a brand online that your audience is obsessed with

If you have a vision for your business, a dream for your brand and a feeling you aspire for it to have, I want you to know it’s possible and within your reach. In this article I am sharing three success secrets to help you build a brand online that your audience is obsessed with. There is no gatekeeping here and I wholeheartedly hope these tips will help you build a stronger brand.
Before we jump into the tips let’s get super clear on what your brand actually is…
(spoiler alert, it’s not just your logo).
Your brand is how people feel about your business and it is built from your personality, your messaging and your visuals. It’s how you make people feel, it’s your identity. Your business on the other hand is your products/ services, how you operate, your systems, values and mission.
You deserve to have a brand that you & your audience is absolutely obsessed with. So let’s go make that happen.
Be obsessed with your own brand first
Your branding begins with you. The way we think about our brand, talk about our brand, perceive our brands is woven throughout everything we create and the action we take including your visuals.
Before anything else, you need to be absolutely obsessed with your brand, showing up like your business is the literal best thing since sliced bread. Creating from a place of certainty that your business is special and it’s your mission to share that with people because their lives will be better with you in it. This type of energy is contagious and magnetic AF.
Why is this important?
As small business owners it is likely we are working in all aspects of our businesses. We don’t usually have a team of professionals supporting us so it’s likely that you, like me, are running your own social media, you are writing your website copy, creating your own content and posting your own stories.
I can not emphasise this enough but your beliefs around your business and what you offer will filter down through the way you communicate on its behalf. If you are showing up on IG stories talking about how great your product is, whilst simultaneously telling yourself that it could be better and people won’t want it… I guarantee this is visible in some capacity even within your mannerisms/ energy. So lead by example and be hyped up about what you do.

Know your audience better than you know yourself
To build a magnetic obsess worthy brand we need to consider who we are magnetising. A magnet creates a force that pulls on other materials. Without the other materials a magnet wouldn’t have anything to gravitate towards it. Bad science aside, to have a magnetic brand you need to be clear on the material (aka. your customers) that you are trying to magnetise.
So in order to have an industry leading brand that people are genuinely obsessed with, you need to be building something that your dream customers would be obsessed with.
To do this we need to know with deep clarity and understanding, who our customers are, what they like, what they don’t like, the types of brands they typically choose.
Why is this important?
The better we know our customers, the more specifically we can speak to them, and consequently the more connected to your brand they will feel. If you try to speak to everyone without a clear direction you will ultimately speak to no one or not really build a connection.
Recommended reading: How to get your ideal clients to notice you – 3 messaging strategies that work
Aligned and impactful visuals
Okay so now hopefully your energy is in the right place, you are feeling excited about your incredible business, you know your customers super well, it’s time to pull all of this together into your branding.
A truly magnetic brand does not happen just by chance, but by strategy.
It’s important when making choices about your colours, fonts, logo etc. that you are choosing these purposefully and intentionally. Not just because they are trending.
When it comes to your colours, instead of choosing something trendy (eg: sage green & dusty pink), it’s important to choose colours that authentically represent your brand and evoke the right response within your audience. Consider the colours that create the feeling your audience needs to feel from a brand like yours.
For your fonts, think about the type of feeling you want your brand to have. Whether it’s clean and fresh or modern and luxury, there will be a font that fits this vibe. Choose strategically and use resources available to you to help if you are feeling stuck. Creative Market is a great place to look.
As you are integrating these tips remember, you have got this. I’m rooting for you. If you have any questions at all feel free to slide into my DMs!
Recommended reading: What you should know if you’re considering a brand refresh

A bonus treat
To be completely honest… I probably shouldn’t give this away for free but when I said no gatekeeping… I meant it. If you found this article helpful and want to learn more, I have something for you.
For tangible exercises, worksheets and a more in depth guide on how to build an obsess-worthy brand, I have created a FREE step-by-step workbook to walk you through this process. Please click here to download this and learn more.

about the author
Steph Marshall is the founder and designer at Studio Monday. She has worked with over 100 brands and is incredibly passionate about helping women in business to build stronger, more aligned visual identities. Through her content and platform she provides tangible tips and advice as well as working alongside founders to help them build beautiful brands and websites.